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Love Notes

"I was 6 months into my new business feeling overwhelmed and isolated in my experience. In FOUR days my perception changed; I had a plan and I had my sisters in design to lean on. The honesty and true generosity of the content created by Anastasia and Lindsey helps create a roadmap and their infectious disarming personalities put everyone at ease and make magic happen! I left inspired and ready to tackle my design projects as well as prepare for my future as an entrepreneur."

Sabah Mansoor

"What a great experience! I was very hesitant going in as I have been in the design business for over 10 years and I should know what I am doing at this point right?!  I thought Design Camp was maybe for newer designers who were just starting out and that I would feel a bit out of place...boy was I wrong! No matter how long you have been a part of this ever changing industry we can all learn from others' experiences. Anastasia and Lindsay have created the most unique and special place to openly share and learn from not only their extensive knowledge and teams- but from other amazing designers as well. There were so many moment for me that were lightbulb moments and “Why have I not been doing that?” There were also moments of validation and reinforcement. I was most excited to learn more systems and processes to help our client experience and also improve our day to day efficiency. I learned so much more. How to be a better boss/employer. How to better communicate with my clients and my team. How to step up my social media game and how to make more money! I left there with more confidence with the tools that I need to really improve and grow. I was so inspired by all of the speakers but also by other campers that I met.  I actually feel more excited about work- about my projects and for what the future holds. I cannot recommend this experience enough! It is truly a game changer!"

Ashley Clark

“I am so grateful for the friendships that I made at Design Camp and the experiences that will elevate me to the next level. I feel seen and heard and loved.  Already missing it!”

Erika Williamson

“Design Camp was more than I could've imagined. Anastasia and Lindsey's attention to detail and their teams desire to make this a beautiful and engaging week is unbelievable. They truly want you to learn and grow and then go be successful and raise the standards of our industry. What a gift to have them lead the charge and pave the way for other businesses. The information we are taking away from Design Camp will radically change our business - we will get to impact more clients and our employees in life-changing ways and we are eager to get started. Taking the time away to work ON the business and not just IN the business is so valuable, and I couldn't have spent that time with a better group of designers and entrepreneurs.”

Lauren Williamson

“If you are a serious interior designer and you are about your business, you need to go to Design Camp. This is a game changer. This will give you structure. This will give you insight. This will give you reason to be a stellar interior designer to your clients.”

Gail Davis

“In a world where everyone is creating and promising a host of unique deliverables, it is increasingly rare to be overwhelmed and impressed.  And yet Anastasia, Lindsey and their entire team did just that.  I was blown away by the experience from the moment I arrived, to my last tearful goodbye. My only real concern is... when will I get to see and learn from them again?  I'm ready now!”

Raychel Wade

"Thank you sooooo much for an amazing Design Camp. I am so excited to implement the things you taught. The community events and atmosphere were amazing. Truly, thank you so much for this amazing experience."

Julia Longchamps

“Whether you are just starting your design career or are experienced at your craft, I cannot recommend Design Camp highly enough! This experience lifts the business of Interior Design to another level.”

Elizabeth Gordon

"I had high expectations of Design Camp and they were far exceeded. I would recommend going to any designer that is wanting to take their business to the next level or just wanting to better understand the industry."

Lilly Walton

“Design Camp was both eye opening and refreshing. Our sessions blew the lid off of my view of the science behind running an successful design business. There are so many moving parts, but, with the foundational tools Anastasia + Lindsey (and their AWESOME teams!) shared throughout camp I found my overwhelm evaporating as I walked away armed with a plan that I was able to implement each night with ease... and once I got back home, I was was excited to see it all come together!”

Antoinette Arrington

“I wanted to say a big thank you for the most amazing experience ever.  Anastasia, Lindsey and each of your teams were so kind, helpful and shared so much knowledge and I truly couldn't have imagined how great the camp would be.  It exceeded all my expectations and I came home with so much information and actionable next steps for my business.  Thank you!”

Cristina Lehman

“I would recommend Design Camp to any designer at any stage of their business. Get ready to learn so much more than you ever thought there even was to know. So many women supporting other women, the energy was amazing.”

Brittany Farinhas

"Design Camp allowed me to pause and focus on aspects of my business that were otherwise being ignored. I learned so much about how to run a design firm, and I made friendships that will last a lifetime. The week was so well organized, and the surroundings were absolutely stunning! I am so glad that I invested in my business... and in myself. I am forever grateful!"

Audrey Scheck

"Design Camp was such an amazing element of getting such incredible, like-minded people together who are all so passionate and talking about the same thing. It's hard to find your group, your people - so once you find that at Design Camp, you can go through life with them. Just from that one moment at Design Camp. Kudos to you."

Blaire Moore

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